Monday, October 10, 2011

Singapore Part I

Ok, honestly, we had so much fun, did so much and took so many pictures, that we are going to have to do Singapore in multiple blog posts.  So, this will be the first of a few posts.

When we got to the Hong Kong Airport and made it through customs, James almost broke out in a full sprint.  I had no idea what was going on... and then, I looked up and like a vision, I see this sign:

WHAT?!??!  Why this is only at the airport, is beyond me.  However, since Asian fast food restaurants only serve dark meat, and the biscuits did not look like they should, we opted only to take a picture in front of the store.  Dear Popeyes on Magazine, near Louisiana St. - how we love you.... and your buttery, fattening, tasty, high-caloric biscuits. Miss you - xo.

When we made it to Singapore, we went to Boat Quay (pronounced "key") to walk around and grab dinner per the recommendation of some friends.  Here are a few pictures of that area, which is absolutely beautiful:

And then... as if the Popeyes sign wasn't enough...

We found Mexican food:


That is when I officially fell in love with Singapore.  The view from our outdoor seating at dinner didn't hurt either:

This is Boat Quay at night.  It's so fun and the entire riverbank is covered with neat restaurants, pubs, shops, etc.

After dinner, we headed to our friends', James and Mary Francis, house.  "Singapore James" is a friend of my James' sister.  He and his wife live in Singapore currently and have done so for about 3 years.  They moved over for his work and have loved it.  They are awesome.

The next day, we did a ropes course.  Now,  I know you are all thinking... "Tiffany did what?"  "Did she know that required upper body strength?"  Well, let's just say, I rocked it out.  James did pretty well too :)
Here we are, in our gear:
 Flattering, right?

And here we are about to start the course - we made Kristen lead:

Half way up the first ladder, and I'm already doubting my decision to do this:

 But, we survived!  And we actually had a blast.  Note:  There are no pictures of me zip lining because I literally tanked every landing except the last one, which we got on video.  If I can figure out how to post videos, I will post that one!

Later that day, we walked around a portion of Singapore.  Singapore is truly a pretty city and VERY clean.

This is the Singapore Flyer.  It's the world's largest ferris wheel.

And then, it was time for the zoo.  First picture, naturally, is of James standing beside a car when we first walked in... he was in love.  FYI - James is offended that I called this a car.
 Pretty macaws:
 Cute otters:
 Weird looking tapirs:
 Scary looking pigs:
 The best part of the Singapore Zoo is where many zoos have one of everything, the Singapore Zoo has a pack.  They literally had like 12-15 lions in their pride, etc.

Hungry Hungry Hippos:

Water for Elephants anyone?

And this little guy stole the water show.  Philip, the sea lion, was hysterical and VERY smart.  The tricks he did were awesome.

But not everyone can handle the spotlight all the time -

Closest I have ever been to a Rhino (no zoom used for any of these pictures by the way):

And the sunset at the zoo was magical.

All in all - a great Singaporean day!

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