Friday, September 30, 2011

Pricey Mexican and Pricey Cars

A while back, we heard a rumor that there was a good Mexican food place in a place called Discovery Bay.  Discovery Bay is just about the closest thing Hong Kong has to a suburb, and it's a 25 minute ferry ride to get there.  Well, with Mexican food so close we could almost smell it, our plans for the evening were set.  

Here is one of the marinas.  We could not get a decent picture of where the yachts were, but several people live full time on their personal boats in Discovery Bay.
 The whole area pretty much has this feel.
 James and I just had our first Hong Kong haircuts.
 James was seriously into smelling the "fajita sizzle"
 We heard them blending up the red salsa before it was served.  Here are my green salsa enchiladas.

On a different day, we passed by a 3-block strip that had pretty much every luxury car dealership James had ever heard of.  So, naturally, James wanted to take pictures in front of them . . .

James says:
Right before test driving the Veyron . . .
 Thumbs up for seeing these in the showroom the last year Lotus sells the Elise or Exige . . .
 Pretend wads of cash in my hands . . .
 I think I'm going to need a higher limit . . .

Livin' the dream here in Hong Kong.

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